For CEO's, teams and workplaces
Our corporate services
Success for CEO's and Founders
Putting you First - for Business Owners / Senior Management … coaching for owner survival
A great deal of emphasis is constantly, if not increasingly, on the need for business owners and leaders to provide for their staff.
In the modern workplace, employees are looking for and expecting a wellbeing culture, one where team performance though connection and mutual support encourages outcomes that help the business move forward and meet designated targets.
But, what about the owner/leaders? All too often they are left alone, expected to provide for others but not for themselves.
Overwhelm, stress burnout and even potential business collapse (not to mention personal disharmony and ill-health) are outcomes that have strong impact on employees depending on their leaders for ongoing financial success.
This bespoke coaching approach is built specifically for business owners and senior management personnel. It is designed to be part of your journey all the way to your chosen destination.
It is structured to guarantee success via six step sequential pathway that supports the individual move from surviving to thriving.
For teams
Workplace Harmony in Action (short and extended versions available) … for Teams
An ongoing issue facing business today is employee engagement through mental, emotional and physical well-being, whether people are working within an ‘office environment’ or from home, and whether they are the owner, the manager, or an employee.
The 9 Pillar Success Hub focuses on the business owner(s), management and each individual employee’s talents, behavioural characteristics, values, passions, beliefs, attitudes, goals and vision by positively seeking to grow maintain a mutually beneficial and effective working environment that creates a ‘win-win’ environment.
Over an initial six-month period, this program seeks to …
❶ Create and foster a ‘well-being culture’ within the organization through paying positive attention to the physical, mental and emotional health and wellness of the workplace environment, employees, management and business owners.
❷ Encourage synergy and alignment between employee, employer values / passions, and organizational values and vision.
❸ Develop a strong employee base of engaged, highly focused individuals (employees and owners alike) who enjoy and contribute positively within a physically supportive environment.
❹ Foster ‘productive harmony’ that positively serves all parties within the organization.
❺ Provide ‘space’ for business owners and employees to be able to step into, free of the day-to-day issues and stressors that can deter effective forward organizational movement and growth.
❻ Ongoing support and accountability for an agreed extended period to ensure what is ‘learned’ stays ‘in place’.
A 'whole-istic' approach towards achieving your goals and desires
In providing education, support and guidance for people looking to make (positive) change in their life in any one, or combination of, three key areas (their life, their health, their home / work / play) ...
It does not isolate the mind, body and environment in providing such a platform, but instead celebrates the connection they share as part of the essence of human existence.
It accepts that none is separate from the others in their focus on purpose through clarity and longevity supported by flow through wholistic wellness.
As such, clients benefit from the development of unique 9 Pillar models, concepts, resources and strategies designed to enhance and support an individual’s understanding, acceptance, implementation and commitment to, the Principles of Flow, Wellness and Longevity in all areas of their personal, home, social and work life.
What's included in assessments done for CEO's and team members.
Each person gets
Initial Genius Profile Assessment
5 Reports … Natal Genius Snapshot, Introduction to 4 Pillars of Destiny. Natal Genius Companion Report, Manifested Genius Snapshot, Manifested Genius Companion Report
A 1-1 personal consultation to unpack what you have discovered and begin planning your next steps.
Meet Jeff and Maree: The Genius Profiling Team
International speakers, authors and presenters
Jeff and Maree are a couple internationally-renowned for their expertise in multiple areas and combine their knowledge of Eastern and Western philosophies to help you get the best outcomes.
Jeff Withers
Is a trained psychologist and educator who believes in the power of knowledge to help enhance ones life
Maree Malouf
Maree is a qualified interior designer who has studied at the New York School of Feng Shui and is an expert in Feng Shui for both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere
Creators of the Genius Profiling System
Brisbane Aus
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